Monday, December 15, 2014

How Not to Hate

Here's a condensed list of traits of troll/hater strategies that both sections came up with in class. It's a good way to recognize trolls, and a good list of strategies to try to avoid in your own arguments:

- refer to, but don't actually use, evidence
- don't provide support for claims
- pick small details to bicker with rather than addressing the real claims
- try to take down people with popular appeal/claims to power
- use the indirect approach--try to mask your criticism with irony in case it fails
- try to annihilate the opponent rather than further the conversation
- personally attack your opponent (& their mothers) rather than the ideas they most likely share with others
- use inflammatory language
- mask intolerance with appeal to broad culture values (no, YOU'RE the racist!)
- identify as a mistreated an oppressed outsider rather than acknowledge your own power & privilege
- gang up on your opponent
- when all else fails, resort to extra-legal means

And for ONE response to haters, see this video!

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