Friday, January 23, 2015

Calling all Experts

Here are the class "experts" for both sections. Within the group of experts for your section, make sure that you are each looking into some different aspect of the topic so that you each have a different area of expertise. Feel free to use these questions, or to choose other relevant areas that you can research. You don't need to prepare a presentation, but as we begin discussion on each day, let the class know what your area of expertise is, and be ready to chime in with your research, or to answer questions on that topic.

Weds., Jan. 28 – Sanneh, “The Intensity Gap” (abortion debate & politics):  
Section 1: Grace, Mahvish, KT, Kris
Section 2: Clare, Gabby, Morgan, Kia
Possible topics:  what is the history of abortion & its legality in the U.S.? What contributed to its legalization? When it it become a political issue? For what reasons do people get abortions? For what reasons do people oppose it?

Fri., Jan. 30 – Freitas, “God vs. My Boyfriend” (impact of conservative Christianity on sexuality)
Section 1:  Madison, Claire, Emma, Mel, Katie
Section 2: Jaime, Becca, Keenan, Caitlin
Possible topics: What does the Bible say about sexuality? How about other religions? What is abstinence-only education? What is the purity movement in the U.S.?

Monday, Feb. 2 – Spector, “Seeds of Doubt” (GMOs)
Section 1:Allison, Sam, Rachel, Ashton
Section 2: Anna, Kristin, Heather
Possible topics: What is the background on corporations like Monsanto?  What are the health risks of GMOs? What are the benefits to nations struggling with hunger? How do GMOs affect the economy 

Wednesday, Feb. 4 - Lehrer, “Kin & Kind” (Biological origins of altruism)
Section 1: Ryan, Lizzy, Liam, Hannah
Section 2: Jess, Kyle, Nicole, Gabrielle
Posible topics: What do philosophers  say about altruism? Why do some resist the theory that is biological? What, exactly, does E.O. Wilson argue about ants?

Friday, Feb. 6 – Katherine Boo, “After Welfare” (benefits & drawbacks of being on welfare)
Section 1: Comet, Rachael, Nicole, Daniel, Victoria
Section 2: Tori, Josh, Marlen, Nicole
Possible topics: What are some of the rules governing welfare recipients now?  What do experts say about the success of the 1996 welfare reform? How about its drawbacks?  For what reasons do people go on welfare? What are the regulations guiding welfare in Illinois?

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